AviCom 2023 Patriots Point Flight Academy
Official Results
Team Simulated Flight
1st - Philip Simmons High School
2nd - Pickens County Career and Technology Center
3rd - St. Joseph’s Catholic High School
Individual Aviation Knowledge Test
1st - Dennis Morozov, James F. Byrnes High School
2nd - Cason Wells, Academy for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
3rd (tie) - Sam Sablotsk, Philip Simmons High School
3rd (tie) - Ethan McCleary, Academic Magnet High School
Individual Aircraft Recognition Test
1st - Anderson Spina, Philip Simmons High School
2nd - Braxton Anglesey, Battery Creek High School
3rd - Cason Wells, Academy for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Individual Best Combined Average Score
Andersen Spina, Philip Simmons High School
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Aviation Supplies & Academics | AviNation USA | Charleston Southern University | Lift Academy | Lowcountry Aerospace Academy | National Intercollegiate Flying Association | Triple Tree Aerodrome.