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March 13-14th, 2025

Triple Tree Aerodrome

Woodruff, South Carolina

AviCom is an aviation competition for high school students, where teenagers compete for awards that propel their aviation journey. The competition is designed to recognize those who are most likely to be successful, safe, and proficient aviation professionals.

The competition includes an individual airman knowledge test, an individual aircraft recognition test, and a scenario-based simulated flight conducted as a team.

From the official AviCom 2025 Update posted on the Triple Tree Aerodrome website:

"GTCHS students are enthusiastically planning (AviCom 2025), and it's shaping up to be the best one yet. Each year brings something new and unique. The inaugural AviCom highlighted the Military Sector, while the second celebrated General Aviation. This upcoming AviCom will explore Commercial Aviation within a backcountry setting, making Triple Tree the ideal venue for this immersive experience.”

Mission Objectives

The mission is for students to demonstrate their aviation knowledge and skills through competition aligned with the following academic standards:

Asking Question and Defining Problems (HS-ETS1-1)

Analyze the performance characteristics of a given aircraft to operate at peak efficiency for specific atmospheric conditions.

Developing and Using Models (HS-ETS1-4)

Use computer simulation to model a planned cross-country flight and fly the plan using standard operating procedures in a dynamic flying environment.

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions (HS-ETS1-6)

Plan a cross-country flight, optimizing fuel efficiency based on the trade-offs between flying routes and altitudes, while staying in compliance with regulations.

Determine Meaning from Technical Documents (RST.11-12.4)

Obtain, interpret, and apply information from official sources, including aviation maps, aircraft performance charts, airport diagrams, and weather reports.

Mission Competition Details

Students will compete in teams and individually. Teams will compete in a simulated flight.  Individually, students will be tested on airman knowledge and aircraft identification.

Airman Knowledge

Multiple-choice, time-limited test aligned with the following Airman Certification Standards:

  • PA.I.C - Weather Information

  • PA.I.E - National Airspace

  • PA.I.F - Performance and Limitations

  • PA.I.G - Operation of Systems

  • PA.I.H - Human Factors

  • PA.III.B - Traffic Patterns

  • PA.VI.A - Pilotage and Dead Reckoning

Emphasis will be on Airman Certification Standards relevant to the theme/scenario.

Aircraft Identification

Students will be given a multiple-choice test to identify twenty (20) aircraft by manufacturer, model, and common name, including military, commercial, and general aviation aircraft. Emphasis will be on aircraft relevant to the theme/scenario.

Simulated Flight

Competitors are expected to be able to plan a VFR flight and use a flight simulator to execute their plan. The exact details of the mission, including aircraft type, payload, departure airport, arrival airport, and weather outlook, will be revealed during the briefing, live streamed, the evening before the event. Competitors will execute their planned flight on the day of the competition using the simulators provided. Teams will be evaluated on the time and fuel required to complete the flight plus additional parameters related to the scenario. There will be a time limit.

Participant Qualifications

  • Individuals must be enrolled as South Carolina 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students.

  • Individuals must be part of a team from an aviation education organization. An aviation education organization may be a school that teaches courses in aviation or an after-school or extracurricular aviation-related program (e.g. Civil Air Patrol, Experimental Aircraft Association, Scouts).

  • Individuals must NOT have completed their Primary Pilot Certification (balloon, glider, airplane, or helicopter).

  • Every team must have an adult teacher, coach, or leader who is the point of contact with the AviCom Event Director.

  • Teams are able to enter multiple aviators in the non-flying events (Thursday). However, we are limited to a max of 3 aviators for the flying portion on Friday (Pilot, Co-Pilot, and Observer)


  • Teacher/Coaches will register their teams in advance through the Triple Tree web site

  • All registration fees collected help pay for shirts, meals, and swag.

  • Space is limited.

Meals, Lodging and Transportation



Supported by McFarland Johnson Airport Architects


6:30p Check-in and refreshments in the Robert Shaw Learning Center

Ground (non-flying) Assessments

7:00 Airman Knowledge and Aircraft Identification assessments in the Kirby McKinney Hangar & Museum

Mission Briefing

8:00 Mission Briefing (pre-recorded)

Q& A with Subject Matter Expert (Guest Speaker) in the Robert Shaw Learning Center

8:30 Adjourned


Overnighting at Triple Tree is NOT available for this event.

Nearest hotels are twelve miles away in Simpsonville or Duncan.

You will find a list here:



8:30a Breakfast in the Kirby McKinney Hangar & Museum

Supported by: (tbd)

Simulated Flights and Networking Opportunities

Groups will rotate between flying on the simulators and networking activities with the vendors.


12:00 Lunch on The Patio

Supported by: (tbd)

RC Demo and, in typical Triple Tree fashion, cook-your-own hamburgers on the grill.

Awards Ceremony

Supported by Triple Tree Aerodrome

1:00 Vendors will be recognized and participate in the awards ceremony.

2:00 Dismissed.

Awards and Prizes

High Score Individual Aircraft Recognition.. (tbd)

High Score Individual Airman Knowledge… (tbd)

High Score Team Simulated Flight………...…. Trophy for school and temporary keeper of the traveling trophy.

Grand Prize: Best Combined Score……...…… Trophy (nose art) and $2,000.00 Flight Training Scholarship

Preparing for the Competition

To prepare for the simulated flight competition, students should be able to plan a VFR flight and use a simulator to execute the plan. Students should be able to use a flight simulator to demonstrate their ability to:

  • Taxi to the correct runway based on wind conditions.

  • Hold short of the runway until cleared for takeoff.

  • On departure, climb to an appropriate VFR cruising altitude and hold altitude (+/-200’) until approximately 10 miles from the arrival airport unless an altitude change is required to maintain VFR, avoid airspace restrictions, or clear terrain. 

  • Navigate by pilotage and dead reckoning.

  • Clear all obstacles by 1000’ and clear wilderness areas by 2000’.

  • Stay out of any controlled airspace without authorization (teams are authorized for their departure airport airspace, arrival airport, and all Class E airspace).

  • Abide by cloud clearance and speed limits.

  • Avoid excessive bank and pitch angles.

  • Land on the correct runway based on wind conditions.

  • Taxi to the ramp.

  • Park in a parking space and set the parking brake.

Note: The theme for AviCom 2025 is "backcountry". Students should use a flight simulator to practice landings and takeoffs on dirt/grass strips using short field techniques in aircraft specifically designed for these types of missions.

Event Resources


Movie Poster (high res) (low res)

Simulator Controls Reference Card ( yoke)

X-Plane Manual (read online)

Pilots Operating Handbook (not available until the mission briefing)

Flight Operations Area Map ( not available until the mission briefing)

Weather Conditions (not available until the mission briefing)

Social Media

Helpful images and videos will be posted on Instagram @scaviationhs

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